Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mister Pip and Bougainville

1. What reasons do you think Mr. Watts has for inviting the children’s parents in to speak in the classroom?
Mr. Watts invites parents in to speak because first of all he wants them to share their knowledge with other children. Their wisdom is something they accumulated during many years of hard work and experience.I suppose he doesn't want to waste or limit it only on few individuals. Mr Watts wants to get to know the parents as well. That is why he invites them in to speak to the children. I also suppose he wants the parents to get used to him as well. He wants to insure the parents that their children are receiving a proper education.

2. Why do you think Matilda says that she will have to choose between Mr. Watts and her mother?
Matilda says that she will have to choose between Mr.Watts and her mother because due to Dolores' hatred towards white man Matilda faces a battle between her mom's and her own wishes.Dolores' despise for white man, provoked by her husband's betrayal, makes her generalize that all white man want to take her most precious things away. She applies the same logic towards Mr. Watts leaving Matilda no option but to choose between the sentiment of love towards her mother and her innocent but complete admiration towards Mr. Watts.

3. What does Matilda’s mother mean when she says that Mr. Watts “is the offspring of a shining cuckoo”? Why does she call him “Pop Eye” instead of “Mr. Watts,” as the children do?
Dolores calls Mr.Watts an "offspring of the shining cuckoo" because as this birds fly south to the lands of strangers and lay their own eggs in stranger nests Mr.Watts is left all alone in God forgotten island. The offspring of the shining cuckoo never meet their mothers.By calling Mr.Watts one of them Dolores wants to create the image of a left-over person. A person with no past, no roots.Dolores calls him Pop Eye in order to show her attitude towards Mr. Watts. She tries to show Matilda that Mr.Watts doesn't belong to this world. She is not able to understand the fact that he was actually a very kind man. Dolores sees just another white man who stole her husband.

4. What do you think Mr. Watts means when he says that he hoped his wife “might eventually grow into her name”?
Mr.Watts thinks that names can mark people. By calling his wife Sheba, as the Biblical character Queen of Sheba who went to king Salomon to ask for wisdom, Mr.Watts hopes that the pain caused by the death of their child would give rise to more wisdom than grief.

5. Choose a passage in the first 105 pages that you connected with or felt that it was important to the story as a whole. Post it on your blog and explain why you connected with it or think it is important.
Two weeks after Gilbert's father dug the bullets out he took Sam out to sea in his boat. It was nighttime and in the black stillness we could hear the slapping of the oars on the water. Gilbert's father's boat had an outboard, but he didn't want to use the last of his fuel; he was saving that. He was gone for two days. We were asleep when he dragged his boat up on the third nigh. And when I saw him the next day he did not look the same. We never saw Sam again.(page 82 last paragraph)

This passage impressed me deeply because I could actually feel the pain Gilbert's father experienced by being forced to kill his own son in order to secure the village from the rage of Ramos. He knew that a son who deserted the redskins would put not only the whole family but also the whole village in danger. I consider that this is one of the most sentimental moments from the first 105 pages. It is very moving and sad. That is why I felt connected with it.

6. Where are the themes of story telling and oral tradition apparent in the novel? To whom are they important and why? List and describe as many as you can.
The themes of story telling and oral tradition are extremely important in order to understand the plot of the story and the social conditions that influenced and brought forth the specific mentality of the villagers. This themes are apparent throughout the whole story.They are important for both defining the characters and understanding the plot. The most visible ones would be the following:
1. Mr.Watts invites parents to share their wisdom with the children.
a. Mrs. Masoi shares cooking tips with the children. She describes how to kill an octopus, cook a turtle and kill a pig.
b. Dolores shares her knowledge and beliefs about God and faith.
c.Giselle speaks about wind in front of the class.
d.Agnes Haripa speaks about sex and virginity.
2. Dolores tell Matilda about her ancestors trying to make her remember all their names.
3. Mr.Watts retells the story of his life in the white world.

7. How does the war affect the people of the village? Think of examples relating to the children AND adults. How do they interact with the Rambo's and the redskins?
The war has a negative impact on the villagers. It brings confusion, misunderstandings and disasters. This idea can be supported by the following examples.
a. The island gets to become isolated. As Matilda says "By now it was also clear that the white world had forgotten us".
b. The redskins destroy the possessions of the villagers due to a minor confusion concerning Pip.
c. The villagers blame and make Mr.Watts take the responsibility for the accident. Later they take and destroy his possessions also.
d. The houses of the villagers are burned and their are left with little food, no medical support and total confusion about what is going to happen.
e. Many parents loose their children due to malaria.
f. Many children become Redskins risking their lives and the lives of their families.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hamlet Comic Page

This is the page I created. Scene I act III. Please check it out.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Types of comedy

Physical comedy, also known as slapstick is a comedic performance relying mostly on the use of the body to convey humour. In the following example the physical comedy is visible when Charlie Chaplin tries to go down from the statue and ends up being stuck on the sword. Min 2.30-3.30

Sexual comedy...
Sex comedy is a term for comedy movies with sexual content. In the movie The Proposal the sexual comedy is when the girl bumps into the naked guy after taking a shower.

Situational comedy...
A situation comedy, often shortened to sitcom, is a genre of comedy that features recurring characters in a common environment such as a home or workplace. A perfect example for situational comedy would be the TV series Friends. In this episode Ross and Rachel are funny when they are trying to make their daughter laugh by singing a song about big buts.

Verbal comedy...
The verbal comedy is when Ross is trying to fake a British accent.

Exaggeration comedy...
The funny moment is when Joey goes to the salon to get his eyebrows done, and goes through a series of awkward situations.

Incongruous comedy...
The funny moment is when Ross goes to get tanned, although he is a guy, and after ends up getting burned...

Ironic comedy...
The funny moment is when Chandler meets his girlfriend's parents and points out that her father has dandruff. Min 0.29

Surprise comedy...
The funny moment is when Phoebe and Rachel hide behind the curtains and surprise Ross...min 2.30-3.00..

Monday, February 15, 2010

Question nr.3 The one about pity towards Oedipus.

Yes, I do sympathise with Oedipus, and I do fill pity analyzing his character, standards values, and his eventual downfall. Although I don’t believe there is something like a predestined fate, cursed will of Gods or whatever the ancient people believed so badly in, but I believe and absolutely know that there are people who are obliged to exist in this world, with their lives controlled and decided by others, manipulated and kept in ignorance all their lives. This people, by their imperfect nature, live to do a lot of mistakes by the time they discover the truth and the time their ignorance and sometimes naivety transforms into knowledge, then pain, and finally redemption. But everyone has his way of redemption. Some people are meant to eternally recover and start a fresh new life, but some people like Oedipus, can’t do it anymore, for their sins are unforgivable. Their redemption is their end.
Oedipus’ end is his ignorance. I fill pity for him. I can imagine what it is like when a person, totally reassured that he is the right person at the right time, and he is doing his best in everything, follows his principles, values, passions, obligations each day in order to live with dignity. Oedipus’ downfall is very painful. Not only that he gets to be the killer of his father, and commits incest with his mother leaving shameful offspring generation whose mother and grandmother is the same person, but he gets to be totally manipulated by his fate. But the main reason for my sentiment of sympathy and pity towards this character is that everything has been decided for him, even before his birth. People say that there is always a choice. This is not always true. Some people are born without it. Oedipus was one of them. Being cursed by God Apollo to kill his father and become his mother’s husband is not something you can choose. I fate I wouldn’t wish to anyone. I fate that he couldn’t understand because of his ignorance and pride. A fate meant to destroy many lives.
|The second reason why I consider Oedipus worth of my pity is because I believe I can imagine what it is like to be born with everything, a respectful family, a society rank, money, but without a choice to decide your own fate. I think my pity is not provoked by Oedipus fate itself, but by his miserable downfall, by his humiliation and by my relative understanding of it.
Oedipus is really a character I wouldn’t wish anyone to be, but unfortunately, even now, there are a lot of people who follow Oedipus’ fate. I don’t mean the fact that he killed his father and married his mother. No. I mean Oedipus’ way of ignoring and wanting to know the truth at the same time. His way of existing in complete ignorance and being totally sure that he lives a complete life full of dignity. People who eventually refuse others to pity them, and experience a huge, painful, embarrassing downfall, after which they spend the rest of their lives redeeming for their mistakes.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Greek Tragedy!

The word "tragedy" comes from Greek language meaning "goat song". The first tragedies dotate from the 5th century BC. There, in Greece, such amazing personalities as Homer, Aristotle, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides created the first tragedies for the religious festival in the honour of the vine God Dionysus. The tragedies were created for actors followed by a chorus. There was always a protagonist, a main character, a hero who was supposed to suffer either because his values were to pure and noble, or because his actions were meant to be judged by the Gods. The tragedies, that started as being festival rituals, kept the noble, deep, mean full and at the same time passionate character of the ancient celebrations. The Greek tragedies were always full of very deep meditational sequences, evocating the deepest human or national problems, crimes, miserable moments and extreme emotional shifts.
Before Aeschylus, the oldest of the ancient Greek tragedy writers and also considered the father of tragedy, the plays were very primitive, because the presence of only one actor didn’t allow the poet to fully express the thoughts, situations, battle of ideas, the atmosphere of the plot itself. Aeschylus was the first to introduce the second actor, which lead to a complete change in the play itself, because it balanced the roles of the chorus and the roles of the protagonists. The records found in ancient Greece state that Aeschylus wrote around 72 to 90 tragedies, but only 7 of them were passed to the modern society. During his lifetime Aeschylus won the prize for the best tragedy writer 13 times, and his plays were allowed to be performed repeatedly in the theatres. All of his tragedies except for “The Persians” are based on myths of Gods and heroes, in which he includes the beliefs of his time, the ideas and the main problems that were faced by the society during that period of time, evocating the patriot feelings, the hatred for tyranny and violence, the idea that good always wins over evil. The difference between him and his successors Sophocles and Euripides (the second and the third great tragedians in ancient Greece) is that their protagonists are no longer titans or mythical creatures, they are merely human that bring forth the pity of the audience as they appear devastated, incapable and sometimes doomed to obey their destiny. Sophocles and Euripides create their characters being influenced by the myths of Gods and Heroes as well, but this time they create more physiological and not as much situation dramas. This totally new types of tragedies bring forth more of a human feelings involving family and society problems, sentiments as devastating sorrow, urge to get the revenge, love, hatred (as in the “Oedipus the King” tragedy by Sophocles). Some of them even focus on democratic values and ideas such as freedom, human rights, hatred towards slavery, justice and peace.

Some of the main characteristics of the Greek tragedy would be the following:

  1. Usually the presence of a fixed structure that includes prologue, parodos, first episode, first stasimon, second episode, second stasimon, third episode, third stasimon, fourth episode, fourth stasimon, and exodus.
  2. The presence of a protagonist (main character) by which the tragedy was usually named(ex. Oedipus-Oedipus the King, Medea- Medea,) whose destiny was presented to the audience by such means as monologues, dialogues, prologues or descriptions that were sung by the chorus.
  3. All the tragedies were based on either myths about Gods and heroes, or beliefs. The plays were related to the political world as well, evocating the political structures of the time (ex. “The Persians”-Aeschylus. In this tragedy the poet criticizes the monarchic structure favouring a democracy)
  4. The protagonists don’t necessarily die, but all of them undergo a change of fortune. Their downfall is created by either fate, will of Gods or nature. (ex. Prometheus Bound- Aeschylus. In this tragedy we can see all the 3 downfalls mentioned above. The fate is seen in Prometheus prediction that the sea nymph Thetis will give birth to Achilles, a son greater than the father. God will is identified in Zeus bounding Prometheus as a punishment for bringing the fire into the human world. The eagle that devours Prometheus’ liver everyday is an example of a natural downfall which dramatizes and bring forth terrible suffering).

The ancient Greek tragedies played an enormous role in the development of the classical and modern literature, creating a base not only for the dramatic plays created for that specific period of time. I consider that reading ancient tragedies is very important, not only because I find them interesting, but also because they develop my general culture. Although I am accustomed with the theatre performances, I find them a little bit hard to understand especially in a foreign language, that is why I consider necessary reading the tragedy first. By doing this, we will not only get a better understanding of the plot, but also we will be able to compare our way of imagining the character and the way the actor or actress performed the role. It will also help us better understand the psychological drama of the characters. And beyond this, I've always found it interesting the way ancient people blamed everything on Gods will or fate. This are the reasons I consider that we should read the tragedy first, before seeing it performed.


The majority of my ideas are formulated as the result of translating comments from a Russian book “Literature and Art” Minsk, 1995, ‘Too Harvest.

What I know!

The first things i think about when I hear the word "tragedy" are art, death, Romeo and Juliet, Greece. I know that tragedy is one of the main forms of plays that are performed in the theater. It is related to drama, but the difference is that the main characters die at the end of the tragedy. I also know that the tragedy is usually very dramatic. The main characters go through a lot of suffering, fighting for their believes, freedom, love, values, and for their life. I also remember that Shakespeare wrote 12 tragedies. I can also mention that the first tragedies were written in Ancient Greece by Aristotle.I can explain and tell the plot line of such tragedies as Prometheus bound, Medea, Oedipus the King, because I've studied them before in my country. I also know that the best ancient tragedies were created by Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles.It would be also necessary mentioning that my favourite tragedy is Medea, because i find it extremely interesting the way ancient poets blamed everything on fate and God's will. This would summarize my general knowledge about tragedies.